List of 86 Universities in Germany for international students

We will introduce you in this article the list of 86 universities in Germany for international students.

So, If you want to study in Germany you must first have a clear idea of ​​the list of German universities.

Indeed, if you are an international student and want to study in one of the universities in the world, be it a university in Europe, Universities in North America or Universities in Asia, then you can find the list of German universities here.

In addition, Germany has 86 universities you can discover here.

Germany has some of the best universities in Europe and the world.

Indeed, when we talk about the quality of teaching, we always associate this idea with German teaching.

In addition, each year thousands of foreign students choose German universities for their higher education.

Every year thousands of students have the opportunity to come to Germany and benefit from the quality of their studies.

But, you should know that in order to study in Germany you need to be proficient in the German language.

Indeed, the courses given in German universities are taught in German.

So if you are not proficient in German, you cannot study in Germany unless you find a study program in English.

Moreover, for each German university, you will find its name a link to the official website of the university.

By the way, you can visit the official website of the university of your choice to have more information on the specialties it offers.

List of Universities in Germany

We will present to you in this part the list of the 86 Universities in Germany :

  1. Leipzig University
  2. University of Rostock
  3. University of Greifswald
  4. Heidelberg University
  5. University of Freiburg
  6. University of Munich
  7. Berlin University of the Arts
  8. University of Tübingen
  9. University of Halle-Wittenberg
  10. Free University of Berlin
  11. University of Marburg
  12. University of Jena
  13. Helmut Schmidt University
  14. University of Augsburg
  15. University of Bamberg
  16. The University of Bayreuth
  17. Humboldt University of Berlin
  18. University of Bielefeld
  19. Ruhr University Bochum
  20. University of Bonn
  21. University of Bremen
  22. Jacobs University Bremen
  23. University of Cologne
  24. University of Duisburg-Essen
  25. The University of Düsseldorf
  26. Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
  27. University of Erfurt
  28. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  29. The University of Flensburg
  30. Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main
  31. University of Giessen
  32. University of Göttingen
  33. The University of Hamburg
  34. HafenCity University Hamburg
  35. University of Hildesheim
  36. University of Hohenheim
  37. Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  38. University of Magdeburg
  39. University of Mannheim
  40. Bundeswehr University Munich
  41. University of Münster
  42. University of Oldenburg
  43. Kaiserslautern University of Technology
  44. University of Osnabrück
  45. University of Paderborn
  46. Clausthal University of Technology
  47. University of Potsdam
  48. University of Regensburg
  49. Saarland University
  50. University of Siegen
  51. German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer
  52. University of Trier
  53. University of Ulm
  54. Technical University of Berlin
  55. University of Vechta
  56. University of Weimar
  57. Witten/Herdecke University
  58. University of Wuppertal
  59. University of Würzburg
  60. RWTH Aachen University
  61. Brandenburg University of Technology
  62. Freiberg University of Mining and Technology
  63. University of Kassel
  64. University of Kiel
  65. Braunschweig University of Technology
  66. University of Koblenz-Landau
  67. University of Lübeck
  68. Chemnitz University of Technology
  69. University of Passau
  70. Technical University of Dortmund
  71. Darmstadt University of Technology
  72. Dresden University of Technology
  73. Hamburg University of Technology
  74. University of Hannover
  75. Ilmenau University of Technology
  76. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  77. Technical University of Munich
  78. University of Stuttgart
  79. City University of Applied Sciences
  80. Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  81. Münster University of Applied Sciences
  82. Munich University of Applied Sciences
  83. Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences
  84. Technical University of Cologne
  85. University of Konstanz
  86. University of Mainz


So, to conclude our article on German universities, we remind you that there 86 universities in Germany.

Indeed, do not hesitate to contact the university of your choice for more information.

Thus, by contacting these universities, you will have the possibility to have more information on admission procedures, registration dates and tuition fees.

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