Best universities in the world – More than 70 universities in 12 countries !

If you want to go to study abroad, first of all you need to have a general idea about the best universities in the world.

Indeed, if you have just obtained your baccalaureate, or if you have a license and you want to prepare for your master’s degree, you must first concentrate on the countries in which you want to study.

In addition, the first step to follow is to know the best of universities in the country concerned.

Going to study abroad is a big decision a student can make.

This decision can help the student to have a renowned diploma and facilitate his integration into the world of work.

Several countries offer the possibility to foreign students to do their higher studies within their universities.

By the way, universities abroad are often ranked among the best universities in the world.

Moreover, these foreign universities offer hundreds of study programs in all fields.

So, in this article, we will present to you the top universities in the world by country.

Whether in Europe, Asia or North America, you will find here all the top universities in the world by country.

Thus, in this article you will find a short general presentation of the universities in the country concerned.

Then you will find a link which takes you back to an article which gives you more details on the best of universities.

Best universities in the world in 12 countries

Here is the list of best universities in the world that we will present to you in this part.

In this section you will find the 12 most searched countries.

In addition, we will update each time we add other countries.

1. Top Universities in Australia

Discover in this part the top 10 of the Best Universities in Australia Ranking for international students in 2021.

To study in Australia, you must have a prior idea of ​​the best Australian universities.

Indeed, the higher education system in Australia is considered to be among one of the best university system in the world.

So discover the best Australian Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in Australia

2. Top Universities in Austria

We invite you to discover in this part the top 5 of the Best Universities in Austria Ranking for international students in 2021.

Every year more and more foreign students choose Austria for their university studies.

In addition, the Austrian university system is considered to be among the best European education systems.

So discover the best Austrian Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in Austria

3. Top Universities in Belgium

Find in this part the top 7 of the Best Universities in Belgium Ranking for international students in 2021.

Belgium is one of the French-speaking countries which receives the most foreign students in Europe.

In addition, Belgium offers many practical advantages for foreign students who go to study there.

So discover the list of Belgian Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in Belgium

4. Top Universities in Canada

In this part, we invite you to discover the top 10 of the Best Universities in Canada Ranking for international students in 2021.

To go to Canada for your university studies, we advise you to look for the best Canadian universities.

Moreover, Canada has the universities that welcome the most international students.

So discover the top of Canadian Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in Canada

5. Top Universities in China

We invite you to discover in this part the top 10 of the Best Universities in China Ranking for international students in 2021.

Moreover, this is proven in this ranking with 10 Chinese universities which is among the 250 best universities in the world and 6 of them are in the top 100 of the best universities in the world.

In addition, study programs in China have acceptable costs, compared to leading countries in education.

So discover the top Chinese Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in China

6. Top Universities in Cyprus

We invite you to discover in this part the top 3 of the Best Universities in Cyprus Ranking for international students in 2021.

In fact, every year hundreds of new foreign students choose to go to Cyprus for their university studies.

Located in eastern Greece and southern Turkey, Cyprus is one of the richest destinations in both history and nature.

Moreover, cyprus has a low population density which explains the rather small number of universities.

So discover the top Cyperian Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in Cyprus

7. Top Universities in Denmark

Discover in this post the top 5 of the Best Universities in Denmark Ranking for international students in 2021.

Denmark is one of the best and most popular study destinations in Europe due to its low cost of study and the high quality of its higher education model.

Indeed, Danish universities offer more than 1500 study programs, a good part of which is taught in English.

So discover the top Danish Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in denmark

8. Top Universities in Finland

Findin this part the top 5 of the Best Universities in Finland Ranking for international students in 2021.

The university education system in Finland is one of the best Nordic and European education systems.

Moreover, studying in Finland also means discovering a university system recognized as one of the best in Europe and even in the world!

So discover the top Finnish Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in Finland

9. Top Universities in France

We invite you to discover in this part the top 10 of the Best Universities in France Ranking for international students in 2021.

To study in France, you must have a prior idea of ​​the best French universities.

In addition, universities in France are considered to be among the best universities in Europe and in the world.

So discover the best French Universities by the link bellow.

best universities in France

10. Top Universities in Luxembourg

We invite you to discover in this part the top 3 of the Best Universities in Luxembourg Ranking for international students in 2021.

Luxembourg contains few universities, but the country is one of the most welcoming for students.

So discover the top Luxembourg Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in Luxembourg

11. Top Universities in Norway

Discover in this part the top 3 of the Best Universities in Norway Ranking for international students in 2021.

Norway is one of the most popular Nordic countries in Europe and the world for the quality of its universities and its education system.

Indeed, Norwegian universities are ranked as among the best universities in the world and in Europe.

So discover the Top Norwegian Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in Norway

12. Top Universities in Turkey

We invite you to discover in this part the top 10 of the Best Universities in Turkey Ranking for international students in 2021.

The higher education system in Turkey is considered to be among the best university system in Europe.

So discover the top Turkish Universities by the link bellow.

Best universities in Turkey


We have presented for you the best universities in the world in 12 different countries.

Before going to study abroad, we advise you to have a general idea on the top universities in the world.

Indeed, the first thing to do when you decide to go study abroad is to choose the country or countries in which you plan to study.

Then, after you have identified the target countries, you should have an idea about the universities in that country.

After that, you need to check if these universities offer the study specialties that you are looking for.

Finally, you must contact the universities of your choice for more information on the admission procedures and the registration and study fees.

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