List of 85 Universities in Spain for International students

We will introduce you in this article the list of 85 universities in Spain for international students.

Indeed, if you are an international student and want to study in a university abroad, be it a university in Europe, Universities in North America or Universities in Asia, then you can find the list of Spain universities here.

In addition, Spain has more than 80 public and private universities :

  • 52 public universities in Spain.
  • And 33 private universities in Spain.

Spain is one of the favorite destinations for foreign students.

Spain has a multitude of public, private and religious universities, each of which offers you high-quality training.

Spanish universities are full of hundreds of study specialties in all fields.

Indeed, study abroad programs in Spain are many and varied.

You will certainly find the study specialty of your choice !

In addition, you should know that the cost of studies, which may seem high but is much lower than that charged in Anglo-Saxon schools and universities.

Moreover, the quality of the studies, which is excellent and, in any case, much higher than that offered in many other countries, especially in Europe.

Otherwise, studying in Spain is a great addition to your CV that will help you stand out in the eyes of recruiters once you graduate!

So, it’s no wonder that studying abroad in Spain is so popular!

Thus, for each Spanish university, you will find its name a link to the official website of the university.

By the way, you can visit the official website of the university of your choice to have more information on the specialties it offers.

List of Universities in Spain

We will present to you in this part the following List of Spain universities :

  • Public universities in Spain
  • Private universities in Spain

List of 52 public Universities in Spain

Find in this section the list of 52 public Universities in Spain :

  1. Autonomous University of Barcelona
  2. University of Santiago de Compostela
  3. Jaume I University
  4. Polytechnic University of Valencia
  5. Open University of Catalonia
  6. Rovira i Virgili University
  7. University of A Coruña
  8. University of Alcalá
  9. Pablo de Olavide University
  10. University of Alicante
  11. University of Almería
  12. Technical University of Madrid
  13. University of Barcelona
  14. University of Burgos
  15. Menéndez Pelayo International University
  16. University of Cádiz
  17. University of Cantabria
  18. Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de Catalunya
  19. University of Castilla–La Mancha
  20. University of Córdoba
  21. National University of Distance Education
  22. University of Extremadura
  23. University of Girona
  24. Miguel Hernández University of Elche
  25. University of Granada
  26. University of Huelva
  27. International University of Andalucía
  28. University of Jaén
  29. University of La Laguna
  30. Public University of Navarre
  31. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  32. University of La Rioja
  33. Polytechnic University of Catalonia
  34. University of León
  35. University of Lleida
  36. Pompeu Fabra University
  37. University of Málaga
  38. University of Murcia
  39. Autonomous University of Madrid
  40. University of Oviedo
  41. University of Salamanca
  42. Charles III University of Madrid
  43. University of Seville
  44. University of the Balearic Islands
  45. King Juan Carlos University
  46. University of the Basque Country
  47. Complutense University of Madrid
  48. University of Valencia
  49. University of Valladolid
  50. Polytechnic University of Cartagena
  51. University of Vigo
  52. University of Zaragoza

List of 33 private Universities in Spain

Find in this section the list of 33 private Spain Universities :

  1. Alfonso X El Sabio University
  2. Camilo José Cela University
  3. EU Business School
  4. European University of the Atlantic
  5. San Jorge University
  6. University of Deusto
  7. University of Navarra
  8. European University of Canarias
  9. Francisco de Vitoria University
  10. IE University
  11. International University of Catalonia
  12. International University of La Rioja
  13. Isabel I University
  14. Miguel de Cervantes European University
  15. Madrid Open University
  16. Mondragon University
  17. Nebrija University
  18. Ramon Llull University
  19. University Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
  20. Valencian International University
  21. University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia
  22. Abat Oliba CEU University
  23. CEU Cardinal Herrera University
  24. CEU San Pablo University
  25. Comillas Pontifical University
  26. European University of Madrid
  27. European University of Valencia
  28. Catholic University Saint Anthony
  29. Catholic University of Ávila
  30. Loyola University Andalusia
  31. Pontifical University of Salamanca
  32. San Damaso Ecclesiastical University
  33. Valencia Catholic University “Saint Vincent Martyr”


So, to conclude our article on Spain universities, we remind you that there 85 Spanish universities.

Indeed, do not hesitate to contact the university of your choice for more information.

Thus, by contacting these universities, you will have the possibility to have more information on admission procedures, registration dates and tuition fees.

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